Ep 03: TJ and Rob Get Sorta Abducted in Guatemala
Andy and TJ are joined by their first guest, Rob Graham. Rob grew up next door to their dad and has been connected to their family for many years. TJ wants to be just like Rob when he grows up.
In the first half of the episode, Rob shares the story of his faith journey while Andy attempts to pin down exactly what the heck Rob actually believes.
In the second half, TJ and Rob recount their story of being temporarily abducted at gunpoint in Guatemala in 2017.
Other Stuff:
- The Thomas Paine work that Andy references is called "Age of Reason" and you can find it on Amazon here.
- The "branching beliefs" cartoon TJ references can be found here.
- On the the trip to Central America in 2017, TJ produced a series of daily social media videos for the trip. Watch this video to see Pastor Alfredo and his children's ministry in El Salvador. Watch this video to see the prison that they visited the day of the day of the abduction.